Founder spotlight: Meet Joe Rotondo, inventor of Frozen Cottage Cheese "FroCo" and founder of Smearcase, a brand disrupting the ice cream industry with their unique protein-packed cottage cheese ice cream.

Founder spotlight: Meet Joe Rotondo, inventor of Frozen Cottage Cheese "FroCo" and founder of Smearcase, a brand disrupting the ice cream industry with their unique protein-packed cottage cheese ice cream.

Background and inspiration: Joe has always been an entrepreneur at heart eager to learn through building and experience, noting school was just not for him, which turned him to entrepreneurship. His co-founder Drew's academic background lies in finance, corporate strategy, and sustainability, but they both had a shared passion for fashion, running clothing brands before meeting in 2020 in New York.

Joe's journey to Smearcase was driven by a personal craving and a gap in the market. A year ago, after a long run during his marathon training, he was craving a protein-rich ice cream but couldn't find any on the shelves. He went home and ate cottage cheese instead, but it just wasn't as "fun". Disappointed but inspired, he questioned, "Why isn't anyone making a protein ice cream?" The very next day, he ordered an ice cream machine from Amazon, and the rest, as they say, is history :)

Growing up in a family passionate about food, Joe and his sister often experimented in the kitchen. Joe recalls how family meals, from grandma's spaghetti Sundays to helping his dad cook, taught him the value of connection and creativity in the kitchen. With these memories, Joe set out to create an ice cream that wasn't just high in protein but also creamy and delicious, without the icy texture of typical low-fat options.

Building Smearcase and getting on shelves in <6 months: His criteria for success at onset were clear - the product must be disruptive, consumable, and scalable, with a clear path to market dominance.

Over the past year, Joe focused on building the Smearcase brand, conducting market research, and getting feedback from early testers. By November 2023, Drew officially joined, and by June, Smearcase launched as the first cottage cheese ice cream to hit the market.

Joe credits Smearcase's rapid launch to their dedication, intuition, and the ability to adapt quickly. “I had six different projects going on and dropped everything for this,” Joe shares. Their approach was agile, allowing them to fine-tune their product formula in just 3 iterations. Joe believes “there’s always a V2 .. you just gotta put something out there."

Future growth plans, and competitors: In the next six months, the duo aims to be in 300-500 stores along the East Coast, with sights set on expanding to California and then nationwide. When it comes to competitors entering the space, Joe welcomes them with open arms. "You come at the king, you best not miss," he says jokingly (or not). For Joe, every challenge is an opportunity to prove Smearcase's worth.

A scary moment shaping his approach to being a founder: Joe’s journey as a founder has been a test of resilience and self-discovery. His biggest lesson? "Get comfortable being uncomfortable." He believes in pushing personal boundaries, whether through long runs, sauna sessions, or ice baths. "Going through hard situations forces you to dig deep … being ironclad in your personal life then translates to how you approach your business". For Joe, alignment with one’s values is paramount. A year ago, he took the time to reflect on his own values after a life-threatening accident where he was hit by a car. For him, it's health, family, leadership, and personal growth—and these have guided every decision since.

Joe’s a fan of Gary Vaynerchuk’s infectious energy, Tony Robbins' motivational teachings in "Awaken the Giant Within," and the philosophical perspectives of Virgil Abloh. Joe resonates with Abloh’s belief in embracing imperfection: “If I waited for something to be perfect, Smearcase wouldn’t have launched."

Joe’s Ask: Joe invites everyone to try Smearcase—grab a pint from Popup Grocers or Happier Grocery in NYC today. He’s also looking to connect with other founders and entrepreneurs who are building something unique.

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